My love for clay started at a very young age. I don’t know where I first saw a pottery wheel, but I know that I pestered my mom until she bought me a very inexpensive plastic table wheel that hardly allowed any pressure before it would stop spinning. I couldn’t explain to her at the time what it meant to me to have a real wheel, but soon enough I found high school ceramics- shout out to the ceramics department at Boise High!
I soon amassed a large personal collection, which made sense at the time for me to haul all of it to college. I have moved them many times since and lost most of it, thank goodness. I forgot about clay for a time, only to be drawn back in hard and fast when my own children were close to graduating BHS. My best friend got me to take a class with her at the amazing Fort Boise Art Center and I became obsessed. I took class after class and spent every waking moment there. Soon, I owned a new-to-me wheel and my dreams were fulfilled. I’d rather throw on a wheel than build websites, or really anything else for that matter.
My husband and children said they have enough pottery (who can ever have enough?!) so, I started giving it as gifts to my real estate clients and friends. I eventually started selling pots out of my garage in Boise because I ran out of room. We moved to Ketchum in 2020 and I found an amazing studio, Boulder Mountain Clayworks, where I now rent a private space. I push myself every day to be better and learn (and enjoy) all of the process involved with running a studio.
I am still exploring my relationship with clay and all the clay bodies I can get my hands on, as well as glaze chemistry, and hand building. I want to do it all, all of the time. I love being free creatively and challenging my work to go farther, get bigger, smaller, thinner, more intentional, all the time.
I love making people happy with my objects in their home and love making functional work they will use every day!
Behind the scenes. Shot by my friend @tamarakenyon
I made this in Pottery Class at Boise High School in 1995 :)